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Praca: Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Our teachers work with the most modern technologies. Classes are held on the innovative online platform All Right, and preparation for the lesson takes no more than 15 minutes!

All Right ( — is a leading online English school for kids. We have been in business for 7 years and have over 10,000 students learning with us every month. Currently we are looking for an online English teacher to work with young students from 3 to 12 years old. 

Work from home (PC/laptop, headset, and stable Internet must have!);
All lessons are 1 on 1 with the student;
Duration of 1 lesson — 25 or 55 minutes.

Our mission is to inspire to learn English with the help of innovative technologies, immersion in the language environment, and care for students.

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language
Remote work
Why All Right?
  • Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only
  • Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system.
  • Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay!
  • Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum.
  • We provide onboarding before the start of the work, as well as professional training and skill sharing for the teachers world-wide.
  • We pay biweekly.
Our expectations:
  • Fluency in English (B2 or higher), Polish B1+.
  • Education or Linguistics Major OR a teaching certificate (TESOL/TESL/TEFL/CELTA).
  • We have opportunities for students!
  • Stable Internet Connection.
Heres how your monthly payment can look like (10% bonus included):
  • Full-time 40 hours per week - €1,760.
  • Full-time Plus 42+ hours per week - from €1,848.
  • Part-time, relaxed 15 hours per week - €660.
  • Part-time, occupied 25 hours per week - €1,100.
  • Weekends only, 12 hours per week- €500

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